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  • Indeed! I just got Mira to ping me, and she told me she's moving out. I'm planning to T.T to her moving day, so I might be able to get Kyle...

    I'm not quite sure on some of the words you guys use here, but I do know when you wifi someone when a villager has recently moved out then that person might get your old villager? I wouldn't know if that would cause any problems but... D:
    I'd definitely get him if I could, but I can't because my whole town's full right now. ;v;)

    Thank you though for telling me! I hope he finds a good home, if he hasn't already.
    Hmmm I can check and see for you, but I doubt it since I havent really been cataloging....and I don't im sorry ;-;
    Great! Could I possibly get the Basic Painting, Fine Painting, and Motherly Statue? I can pick it up as soon as possible tonight or just whenever Hopper's in boxes and I come to get him.
    Hi, I have a question. Are you still selling the paintings and statues from the thread you started on the 3rd? There are some things I'd like.
    Good news! Celia finally decided to move out, so I'm going to get her out in the morning and I'll have the space free whenever Hopper is available.
    Alright, thanks for letting me know! I'll keep trying to get Celia to ping and hopefully she does so as soon as possible. Of course she ended up sick so that exempted her form pinging for a few in-game days. Let me know whenever he ends up in boxes and hopefully I'll have the spot open for him.
    Yes, I'm still looking for Hopper. I'm still trying to get Celia to ping to move at the moment though so that I'll have room for him.
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