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  • That's fine. could we do it in about 10-15 minutes? Something came up I need to do really quick.
    yeah we can try hmm well any rare/hard to obtian items you might have or event pokemon
    Wow just realized today marks the day that I joined last year I have been here for a whole year
    Oh there is that diancie I gave you I restarted my Y so I can get diancie now and do you or your brother have any shines or rare / legendary Pokemon?
    I was looking over your rules and wanted to let you know I have voided a villager. I really don't know how the void works, but I recently voided Merengue, I think maybe a week or two ago, and haven't visited with anyone since she moved out. I'm about 98% sure she was original.
    Thank you so much!! I had to babysit my sick niece and was away from the internet for almost the whole day. I see that you had to do some extra to get him. I really appreciate it. I don't have many in-game bells, but I can give you about 400,000 or some btb for you trouble. Thanks again!!
    No, it's still been going terribly D: sorry for taking so long... I think its best if you gave her to someone else > w<
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