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  • Is Felyne the one with the Hunter Armor, Red Wing, And Wyvern Eggs? I am looking for those items.

    Also, love the Sans and Papyrus Icon!
    I'm not sure who Katie is but you can bring her by my town. I'm happy to help in any way I can s a "Thank you" for my wonderful town tunes. The last one I asked for is my favorite! Thank you!
    I would like to visit Isabelle's RV if she is still around. Drop me a VM when you're ready.
    Lol, that's a good point.
    I think I actually have them in my catalog in other town, so I think I'm good.
    Ah! I had the perfect time to pick up those dumb shirts and I completely forget!
    And I think I missed you. *squints* :[
    Hello again! Sorry for being so unavailable. I've also been on a recent hiatus. Are you available now? :)
    im so so sorry I missed you again! Can we set up for 3pm on Sunday? I'll be sure to make sure I'm absuloutely a/v at that time. Sorry again!
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