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  • I will open now! Also can you drop them in a different area maybe down below or next to retail! So i can mark them off my wish list! Also I dont need the sets anymore for cinnamon, kiki, etc! :D
    I just saw your message in game, but I have to take a quick break about 6-10 minutes, will let you know when im back!
    Sure, I am available now! Just did a few trades. Will be open in a bit when you are ready!
    Totally on! Will log on also my ds game package came today! The trios of town pretty excited haha
    Oh woops! Totally missed the brown bags because I had those bushes on the ground! Will update them tomorrow haha! No I am good, but I do need the beads you toss, tweezer, and bubble wand! If you happen to have them!
    Hi! I am totally available! Will log on! I usually like to keep it off for personal reasons. I don't feel bothered and will respond as soon as I am on! I don't get annoyed! Thanks~
    do you want the mittens? and since i just want someone to take them i can give you all 3 of them for 25 :p
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