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  • Someone else helped out. Thanks either way, let me know if you need me to take her from you ;)
    Are you available to take Katie off my hands again? Been trying to coordinate trades and send her off on one of those but timezones are big issue, and we're both PST
    Turns out I have plans with my grandmother at exactly 4:10PM Monday (what great timing :(), how about Tuesday instead?
    Yeah, tomorrow I'll be on around 4:10 PM (2:10 PM your time) if I don't get any homework, but even if I do it usually only takes like five minutes. :)
    I'm on central time, and on weekdays I'm on 4:10PM-6:00PM and on weekends I'm usually on 9:30AM-12:00PM.
    Let's set up a specific time to meet up. I'm on Pacific time, and for the first part of the day, I'm available from 11AM-1:30PM. Will any time during that time work for you?
    I'm in a movie theatre right now, I will probably be going online after the movie, I'll VM you when I'm online again. :)
    I knew that could happen, just never seen it. Always happens with your town?
    Heading home from work right now, should be back and ready to drop off Katie right about 10:30
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