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  • I really don't know...I think you should probably go contact the staff since I had trouble with mine at first but got it to work by resizing it.

    Try ezgif or imgur maybe? I don't know.
    Oh! Ummm...Is it the right size? I'm not sure but sometimes they need to be resized. Ill go look at my settings.
    An error occured on my end so none of the items were saved. Would yoube able to visit again? I'm sorry about this :(
    Oops so sorry! I sent 25 for another order, my bad xD Thanks for reminding me lol I wouldve remembered later and felt awful.
    Is that for all three or each?
    And that sounds fine! :3
    If it's for each I may have to see if I can still afford it after buying some items in the trade I'm in.
    so is it 30 tbt each for the gold set and hairbow wig for a total of 60, or is it just 30 in total?
    im ready to trade when you are, my FC is 2595 4010 7097 and mayor is claire of nestra ^^
    Hello!! I replied in my thread to your offer c: VM me or PM me when you're online and we can work something out! <3
    Hey, not a problem. I'm a total night owl and I'm just getting some stuff organized. :) I'll keep my gates open and you can just stop by when you're ready!
    I'm actually on my secondary character right now, Pegg. Take your time, man!
    Totally fine! I'll add you right now... do you want to deliver or should I pick up? I'm Mayor Meg of Cardwynn btw. :)
    Seriously, it's no problem. xD We all have bumpy moments. I really want to thank you for selling things at such a nice price. Just yesterday I bought the fueki set for 55 tbt, and then you say you'll sell it for 15 and I was like WOAHH! I really just want more chairs and stuff, but I'll just keep buying whole sets for them. xD
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