Oh, really? Why are you resetting your town?? And ugh I know... I really hate my town layout rn since there's like nO open space cause the river cuts right through and dips down in the middle, so there's not a whole lot of land... I wanted to make a new town on my second copy and transfer everything over to that one, but then I would lose all of my store upgrades and emotion things and uuuuuugh I really don't want to have to get my store upgrades all over again but I rEALLY want a new town layout ;A; (I also have a ton of badges and and I've filled up most of my encyclopedia and have perfect town status T_T)
Oh, and I'm just wondering, do you have the items with you rn? If so, I could come and pick them up quick before I hop in the shower. I'll probably be able to pick them up tonight too if you can't connect right now, but I want to try to get to sleep super early tonight so I'm not dead tired on my first day ^^;