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  • Could you do 350k for both Sahara's? I've seem most go for 200k :3
    Wi-fi was having problems but it should be fine now! Sorry about the delay, my wi-fi usually doesn't do this to me. @__@
    Gate's open!
    Awesome, alright! I'll open my gates in a sec. Just gotta turn on my DS first haha.
    Ahh sorry! I took a nap so I didn't see your notification! I still have your items and I'm ready whenever you are still!
    Hi, I have to go to bed now (late here) but will be around tomorrow so hope to catch you then :).
    I apparently also forgot to edit out the squid chair, so your total's going to come down to 45k! It's ready for pickup whenever it's convenient for you. :)
    Haha this one's gonna be tough! I'm going to need all the luck I can get. Thank you! And have a great night. :)
    Aha sorry about that typo! Everything will be ready tomorrow, I promise! I'll have my gates open once I come home from finals. And thank you! It makes me happy that others find its organization useful too. :)
    Leaving you a message just in case. I unfortunately don't have the coffee maker any longer, but everything else I can still have ready for you by tomorrow. It'll be 45k. :)
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