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  • Can u connect 4 the cabana right now? My furniture is in one town, and you can pay me in my other town, if you can? I'm super poor on my new one! ^^;
    I always forget to wait and go do other stuff omg ;_; Whenever you're ready I'll check this site every ten minutes. Sorry again!!
    Hi Kiyo! Just wondering if you still want the Mossy carpet? I can come drop it off now if you're not busy :)
    Sorry for the late response, I'm ready to come over the snowman bed~ Please let me know when your gates are open for me n__n
    I don't know if you're still interested in Fuchsia but she's in boxes again. I have to work today so if no one picks her up from the thread (I have posted her) she'll be available later tonight. Please message me whenever you see this and I will message you if she get's adopted.
    Oh, I restarted again! I wasn't happy with my new town. I don't cycle anymore. So I'd love to take him but I'm going to school now
    Sorry! I got caught up doing some chores around the house x_x
    I'll be online tomorrow, and you can just have the Mossy Carpet for free, I have a couple of them actually :)
    Just so you know, I had voided Fuschia and she actually did manage to plot her butt back down into my cycling town. So there's another chance for you to get her!
    Diana I'm sure is excited to see you ^o^ She's still wearing the same dress she was when I got her, and I never saw her stuff show up in retail, so I think her house is exactly how it was before she left c: Gates open in case u didn't see the last message haha
    Oh man I missed you D; I went afk and now you're offline D: I'm getting ready to go to the mall, I'll be leaving in like 20 minutes, if you're back before I leave we can do the trade c:
    Yay! Okay c: I haven't loaded up my second town since Diana pinged so I'll just turn the clock back to her move date when you're ready c:
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