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  • Argh, sorry. I should be awake from now until 11pm-12am est/8pm-9pm pst so send me a VM if you're back on!
    Hey could I drop by your town for a haircut? Sorry if I seem annoying lol - I just really don't like my hair haha!
    That's actually a really good idea! I'll work on it then. Maybe I'll do like our accessories?
    I should just copy and paste it into our hands instead of drawing it. Or get a couple of them and have them hold like a banner that says squad while wearing shades.
    Ahh no! Okay well I'm going to have to see how well I can actually draw a horseshoe crab before posting it and stuff. I'll probably try though, it seems funny.
    I honestly feel so bad for requesting this ahhh xx but yeah I literally only have my home fruit, oranges, so if you have any spare fruit I'd be very grateful! :)
    Hi! I needed to walk my dogs and now I am doing my homework. It may take me a half an hour to an hour. Thanks for being patient!
    Will do! Im hanging out with a friend and then I have to complete some more orders (owning a shop is harder than I thought!!) And then ill be ready!
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