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  • Hello! Currently nobody else has bid on Marshal and you are still highest bid! Has Pippy pinged yet? Marshal is able to be TTed to boxes in the next 4 days
    My gates are open! I have a second main town, so after you pick up felicity, go to Okumi! The town you're looking for now is Ferntree :)
    Hey! You won the auction! I'll keep Felicity in boxes for you until you're ready to pick her up ^_^ I understand different time zones can be troublesome :)
    Gates are open! She's in boxes for reals now, haha. Thanks so much for all your help! Let me know if I can help you with anything. <3
    Sorry I got confused about the date! I've TT'd and she's still outside even though she's leaving tomorrow. o_O
    My gates are open! I'll probably save once you get here if I can just to make sure everything is working. :)
    Just thought I'd remind you that there's two days left in my giveaway and you said you were going to upload your entry later c: Good luck <3
    I dreamt of your town and I love the direction it's going in! especially since it leans toward a nature village. I would recommend more flowers to give the town some colour and to fill in where trees can't be planted! love your paths and they all flow really well :lemon:
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