Lacey Feb 13, 2015 Yeah, that's fine. Mines a mess but oh well it's a work in progress Give me like 15mins or so to open gates and I'll have all the money laid out at train station when you arrive~
Yeah, that's fine. Mines a mess but oh well it's a work in progress Give me like 15mins or so to open gates and I'll have all the money laid out at train station when you arrive~
Arcticfox5 Feb 13, 2015 Okay! I need a min to switch to other character. Could we trade at your town since mine is full of paths and stuff please?
Okay! I need a min to switch to other character. Could we trade at your town since mine is full of paths and stuff please?
Sevenperry Feb 11, 2015 Sorry Lacey getting stuck trying to get someone visiting my town to join belltreeforums...taking ages if you want to trade I'll be around.
Sorry Lacey getting stuck trying to get someone visiting my town to join belltreeforums...taking ages if you want to trade I'll be around.
Arabelle Feb 11, 2015 Can we do 2 mil for everything? (there's like 20 furniture lol) I'll have them by the train station. You can buy two flowers I set up at my Retails c:
Can we do 2 mil for everything? (there's like 20 furniture lol) I'll have them by the train station. You can buy two flowers I set up at my Retails c:
clueleaf Feb 9, 2015 I have your chair ready for you! c: Would you mind if I dropped it off? Whenever you're ready is fine. My FC is 5472 - 7106 - 4593.
I have your chair ready for you! c: Would you mind if I dropped it off? Whenever you're ready is fine. My FC is 5472 - 7106 - 4593.