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  • hey there! just stopping by to say that i LOVE your collectible line up. the complete set of villagers is adorable and the order you've put them in is awesome! i bet it took a bit of trading to get it so perfect! congrats on your beautiful lineup xx
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    Okie dokie. Nope, no message for mine either. I'll send it over right now. Thank you very much!! :)
    Thank you for VMing me! I'm definitely interested. I'll send you my Blue Candy asap. Would you like a message? Thank you so, so much!!
    I absolutely love your lineup too, I love how the entire thing is every single character-related collectible! :D
    You are absolutely welcome my friend, just sent it your way! Enjoy your new collectible! :D If you are looking for any other collectibles, let me know because I would love to help you out! :)
    Hey my friend, I managed to acquire a Lobo with a timestamp that fulfills your criteria (10-22-2018 04:02 PM)! :D I'll send it your way as soon as I receive the 180 TBT (my shop price) from you (I'll keep it on hold for you as well in my shop)! :)
    You are absolutely welcome my friend, anytime! :D I always try to keep an eye out for my friends and customers of mine! :)
    Hey my friend, I'll keep an eye out for you! :) I recently inquired about one on your behalf that was for sale and it was a only 1 day older than what you needed! lol Thank you for always checking my shop, I always appreciate the support my friend! :D
    Hey my friend, what date are you looking for in your hunt for a Lobo? I have the following dates available at my shop currently:

    06-12-2017 09:56 AM
    11-11-2016 08:55 AM
    Hello again, I am still interested in Lucky:) I have sent out tbt to you. Can you please add this quote "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." as the message:) thank you very much.
    Hey my friend, sending collectibles is very simple! :D All you have to do is go to the Shop, go to "Inventory", then click the "Gift" button next to the collectible you want to send, once you do that you will see a menu, and then you type the username of the person you are gifting to & press send. :) When it comes to ordering, newest collectibles are always on the bottom of each "block" for every collectible (so if you have 2 Jingle Dolls, for example, they will be next to each other and the one on the bottom will be the newest one). Hope this helps my friend and thank you again for your generosity! :D
    Hey Destani, are you looking for Lobo (seeing that you have other character collectibles)? I recently acquired him for my shop, PARADISE Collectibles, if you want to check it out (currently selling Lobo for 200 TBT)! I hope you are having a great day/night so far and I just wanted to reach out to you so you knew where to find Lobo if you were seeking him! :D
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