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  • No problem ! I'm so happy that you enjoy this item, I'll contact you if this adorable kitten give me another one :blush:
    Oh, I've seen Repo, too! I think she was fantastic in that, her part was my favorite by far. Her solo music is really nice too, her voice is lovely. In regards to the 2011 Phantom performance, I highly recommend it. If you ever get a chance to check it out I'm sure you'd really like it. Thanks for chatting with me a bit, it's nice to meet another Phantom fan!
    HAHAH I love that pun, that's great. I love it as well, which is why I had to comment when I saw your username. Have you by any chance seen the taped 2011 anniversary performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London? It is by far my favorite performance of the opera as well as my all time favorite theatrical production, it's just beautiful.
    Your username suggests you're a Phantom of the Opera fan - is that true? ;)
    Thanks for messaging me ^_^
    I don't mind helping at all. Besides, your wish list is very tiny compared to others I've seen XD
    I'd be more than happy to give you those things :3
    I'm always on my chat. If you can join, that'd be great

    Btw your inbox is full
    I need signatures, if you let me collect them in your town I'll give you the beacon (signal) fire.
    If you have perfect pears available, I'll trade you a basket of those for a few of my pieces.
    Sorry I was sleeping xD I need to do the villager reset trick before I do anything today, if your not tired come over in a bit?
    I'm free all day just pm me or write on my wall when you wanna get me the Rococo items! x
    Sorry again! I figured out what happened: I translated the items I had from my guidebook. The guidebook has the "basement" floor and slate flooring mis-labbled. I didn't double check. but rather when making trades, put the two carpet's I had in my inventory. Gave the correct one to trade before you and just dropped the slate one without reading the text. That's why I was confused when you gave it back to me and it said "random" flooring. Please let me know what you'd like to make up for the goof on my part.
    I am so sorry! I translated the Japanese name of the carpet as "basement." It appears that the English name is "slate". Here is a link to the image:

    Is that what you were after? If not, I am so sorry! What can I do to correct this?
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