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  • Yeah, sheesh check your messages
    //sorry about that
    //she really had to go. XD
    My internet's being a butt right now, too.
    But that's what luck is for.
    Let me know how it goes. xD
    It might be because of my weather. We've got a nice little storm here. Should be gone/more tame by then.
    Tbh your internet never liked me.
    I've never had any connection take longer than when I connect with you lol.
    Everything is already in my second town for you. Just tell me when to open my gates.
    //I wish there was a badge for ordering things
    You try typing up 250+ items and not making any typos.
    [going to fix them right now]
    & yes, it is.
    I'll give you your list in a second.
    & WELL I've already got the shirt in my closet now anyhow, so just catalog it with the rest. I'll throw it in. Next time bring it up if something seems to be missing, because there's an extremely good chance I bought it and then lost it in my closet. xD
    Sounds good, & yes that'd be fine. Just use the train as you need to so I don't have to open&close.
    & yeah. I've been selling the clothes in that ReTail every single time. XD I don't have the space or use for 'em otherwise.
    I just found the melon gingham tee in my closet mixed with some stuff I had been transferring. You might want to double-check your catalog to make sure it's there. Sorry about that.
    I'll check in just a minute. Someone else wanted to do a swap, so that's 20 more items down!
    That's fine. I've got your stuff together & it's hanging out in my second town. I'll be doing some other stuff, so just let me know when to open the gate again.
    Enjoy your food!
    Really? That's weird.

    I'll go ahead and start getting another 20 (or however many left I have that you don't).
    I was eating, so sorry for the late reply.
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