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  • Sent~!
    Are you able to put one of those little messages on the item? If so could I get the quote from the film IT
    'We all float down here~' Thank you again!
    Alrighty my friend, no problem! I understand and respect your decision! :) I have had these Dark Easter Eggs for over a month now so my offer will mostly likely stand in the near future, but who knows what the Easter event will do to the market though! o/
    Hey my friend, just out of curiosity, would you be willing to trade some of your collectibles in exchange for a Dark Easter Egg possibly? I'm interested in trading one of the Dark Easter Eggs in my shop for your Blue Balloon and Zen Easter Egg. If you are worried about me making money out of this knowing the intentions of your thread, I don't plan on selling the 2 collectibles I am interested in for more than the price I have the Dark Easter Eggs listed for in my shop collectively. o/ How does that sound to you? Look forward to hearing back from you soon my friend! :)
    Ok, four eggs from the kingdom of Arendelle for me, and 4,250 TBT from me for you. Sending TBT.
    Have you decided on if you will accept 3,900 TBT on those ice eggs? Since you were hoping to get 1,500 on each, I may do 4,500 instead.
    OH WHAT YAAAYYY is 5k good for it? just to be sure before I send all the bells like a foolish fool
    lol aw they're the ones who are noice!!! omg
    Hi, was the Goomba already sold completely or is it still up for offer? If it isn't sold I'd like to offer 1350 for it. Thanks either way :)
    oi sorry i made an unscheduled purchase and spent me tbt, will have to take pass on pikachu, but i saw somebody is offering high price that you should take anyhow- kaching!
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