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  • 10 or 11 is fine too. Just hit me up tomorrow evening. I'll keep an eye on my messages on here.
    I wonder trade a lot so my festival plaza leveled up a lot. There is a shop from Sun that lets you EV train in def and sp def if you waste a bunch of the festival coins. I am currently looking for it because I am too lazy to actually EV train Pokemon. lol
    White hair and the wine red hair are post game options. I think they also add a few contact colors. I only know because I kept seeing it in festival plaza and I looked up how to get them. I thought maybe it was one of the dye houses or something. Do you have Pokémon Sun? I can never find the Sun exclusive festival plaza shops.
    Whoops, I have been accidentally posting on my profile. lol

    I'm not sure yet. I haven't actually beat Moon yet. I am on the third island, but I get distracted by breeding and wonder trading. Though I found out that you can have white hair if you beat the main story which would look great with the team skull outfit. *challenges elite 4 just to decorate trainer*
    Oh watch out, it is actually the first video saved even though it was not the first battle. That's not confusing at all festival plaza. nooo
    Yeah its okay. Too bad Chansey has 1 million hp. lol Then Skarmory was left right? Butterfree would be equally effective there.
    Oh I know, it took me forever to realize wonder trading was hiding in festival plaza. lol

    How about just one more and that one wins? I don't really feel like battling two more times.
    Oh that's confusing. There is also a battle video thing outside of festival plaza, but it looks like you can just watch the video there.

    I don't know. Is that allowed in tournaments or are they more serious?
    Sure that's fine. I do not have work today so I can pretty much play whenever as long as it is not during dinner.
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