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  • Thanks for helping dani(and me) out me haha
    Also I always see ya in the Smash thread.
    We should throwdown soon.

    Hi :) now I have 1k TBT, so will you trade a NA Mario and Donkey Kong: Mini's on the Move download code for it? :)
    Hi hi~

    I would have PMed you, but your inbox was full. I started working on your avatar and I need another link for the bg you originally wanted. When I click the original link, I get a hotlinking message. Thanks. :)
    Hi :) you posted on my thread buying a NA Mario and Donkey Kong Minis on the Move download code, and you said you would get me one for at least 1k TBT, and now I have 1k TBT so will you do it? :)
    I just HADDDD to make a pixel of my favorite character from One Piece after reading your post on royce's thread.


    Hey, can I use shampoodles while I'm round if you have it? I'll give you 255 tbt instead of the 240!
    Omg thanks for that link! I love the ideas.
    Ok Byeee! & yveltal sounds great.. Also because he's a legendary and Zeref is kind of the best magic user in the whole anime (except maybe Natsu later on, who knows)
    Yess! Haha tell me how the team turns out later on, I'd love to hear if it's awesome or not. (of course it would be since it has the powers of fairytail)
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