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  • Hey my friend, even though I truly appreciate and respect your confidence, I don't think I can throw the Pink Cosmos into the deal because I feel that I am already providing a very good deal especially with no sale going on for the foreseeable future. I hope you understand! :) I will be sending the collectibles agreed upon your way now and I wish you again a very happy birthday! :D It truly is a pleasure like always my friend and if there is anything else you need on your list, you know how to reach me! ;)
    Hey my friend! :D Since it is your birthday and I would like to give you a nice discount (~15% OFF) in celebration as promised, I will be willing to offer you a Famous Mushroom, Spring Shamrock, Lump of Coal, and a Pink Tulip for 1,000 TBT! How does that sound to you my friend? Look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D
    You're absolutely welcome and sounds good my friend! o/ I am just checking in because a lot of things on your list have sold in my shop so I am just trying to help you out. ;)
    Happy Birthday my friend! How old are you turning today? :D If you need to mark anything off your list today, I will be glad to sell anything you want at a nice discount for your birthday! :)
    Okay, I think I finally decided on the 2 moon ball messages!

    ♡ “Strong, valiant, beautiful! My sweet blue heart! Mega Evolution!” —Misty ♡

    "I'm gonna keep mastering Water Type Pokémon more and more... and make Cerulean Gym the greatest gym in the world!" —Misty

    thank you! :D
    Hey my friend, any luck on getting stuff on your buy list? :) If you are having difficulty, I will be glad to help you out in knocking some out (also, depending on how many you order, I would be willing to give a nice discount as well)! o/
    of course!! I'm happy both glow wands are going to good homes! :D

    okay, I figured out the love ball quote! can the message be:
    "Will I see you again?" "You will, I swear." —Misty & Ash

    (I'm trash for Ash & Misty XD)

    I'll get back to ya about the moon balls! Pokemon has so many good quotes jhsgds
    Yeah, I can def send ya the one you got me! And sent! Hope you like the quote! XD

    Oooh yes, please!! ;v;

    UM, could I get back to ya about the quotes? I really gotta think about what Pokemon quotes I want skhagkjdgh
    Alrighty, cool! :D Did you want a message for the star glow wand before I send it over?
    Hi! Were you still interested in the star glow wand in exchange for your 2 moon balls and love ball? Just wanted to ask in case! ;v;
    Awesome, sending them your way now!! blank is fine, thanks a bunch :D
    Hey Ben, when you get the chance, I made post on your shop thread about selling you most of the collectibles in your buy list late last night if you want to check it out! :D
    mhm I am, she sent me bells becuz she rocks so if ur selling Ill buy
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