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  • Aw okay no problem at all, currently Biskit is moving and I'm holding him for someone but when Bruce tries to move again I'll let you know. As long as your available to take him you can have him free it you like, I feel bad about your kitty. Hope he gets better <3
    Ah no problem! I love my cats too so I completely understand; I hope your fur baby is feeling better. <3

    Sadly Mira is gone. :( I did tell Bruce to stay though because I couldn't find him a home and if he decides to move again I can let you know! I'm really sorry, I did try to wait as long as I could. >.<
    Sorry I'm being so bothersome but please let me know when you are available, I really want you to get Bruce but I must keep cycling. I will hold him for the rest of the night for you but tomorrow I'll probably have to void him or find him a new home. :(
    Hey you think you'll be able to trade soon, it's morning for me at the moment. In about an hour I'll probably be gone for the rest of the day, let me know! ^^
    Hey! I'll be up for probably another 30 minutes or so before I snooze, if you can't trade in that time lets try to set up an exact time to trade tomorrow. I will be pretty busy tomorrow but hopefully we can atleast get a time figured out. ^_^
    Great! It's 11 PM for me so idk how much longer I'll be on but I'll try to stay up. We may need to set up a specific time haha. XD
    Don't worry about it, you can pay once they are in boxes. I'm not a person to void or whatever if a person doesn't reply right away as long as I get Atleast a reply within a day. They are reserved for you. ^_^
    Well Bruce isn't 100% original and I don't want to way overcharge. He changed into one of my custom designs but it's just a simple light blue bottom up shirt I created its kinda crazy cuz the blue matches the blue on his face perfect and the shirt actually flatters him. OwO But still he's unoriginal so yea, I hope that's alright. XD Trust me I know how long it takes to get certain villagers out, I had I want to say over 20 villagers ask to move out before I could get Apple to ask to move. Hoping Bruce and Mira behave themselves haha.
    Yayyyy! I'm so happy it worked! :D Thanks so much, I checked and u had offered 150 TBT if that's alright?? <3
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