Haha, yeah, I wasn't sure if you were around anymore. BUT, by chance, I saw that you posted on a thread recent in the marketplace and I was like, "Hey! Lapaa's back! I haven't talked to her in forever! Let's see if she remembers me." Yeah, I'm still around... surprisingly. Didn't think when I first joined TBT, I'd stay around for so long. XD
Overall, I'm alright myself. My graphics shop is still alive, surprisingly. I don't get as many requests as I used to, but there are times where I'm slammed with requests. I am wondering if I should ask a mod to move my thread to the museum. Maybe that'll get my shop more attention. I know there's a few shops there, so I dunno if it's a good idea or not.
Btw, you happen to have skype? If you do, we can totally chat on there as well. Feel free to PM me with your username. I try to log on a bit more often, unlike before, so I can stay in touch with a few friends. Ironically, I'm terrible at keeping in touch with people in general... /shot