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  • I will be able to drop it off in an hour, make sure to send half of the TBT before we trade and then send the rest once I have dropped off all of the items.

    I will definitely have to make a couple locker visits~
    Hmm, I've been debating on black roses actually. I'm honestly quite tempted to just restart my town altogether though. :/ I shall let you know and I appreciate the offer <3
    I'm sorry but I don't let people hang out at my place as my town is very still under construction. I'm currently cycling on my other town right now!
    Hello! I'm free to take him now; I had to go eat tea and then my parents made me watch a movie with them so I wasn't here earlier. :)
    Hello! :D

    I'll add your friend code right now, okay? :)

    I must warn you, I don't know if you saw it since a mod edited my post in the villager thread but the reason I need a new villager is because I moved too many villagers out with the save editor and am now not only missing Villager 6 but the option to edit it is gone in the save editor as well. I'm hoping adopting a villager as normal will fix this problem. I'll bring 100k with me to give you when we go to your town to do the thing, and I just wanted to mention that you can still keep it for your time even if the adoption doesn't work, because any problem in terms of that process really is my fault. I genuinely think it'll be fine though since adopting Klaus for another slot went okay. Just a heads up. :)
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