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  • Kerfuffle: a commotion or fuss, esp. one caused by conflicting views

    I am glad your so nice :3
    IDK what happened, that is just what the online guide said. Maybe she will be there tomorrow.
    She isn't back in my town. I looked it up, apparently this is what could happen with Katie: When Katie is in your town, talk to her and she will ask you to take her to another town. Any town will do. Ask one of your real-world friends to open his or her gate so you can travel to that town. Katie will follow you. When you get on the train, Katie will either come with you, or she will drop her ticket and get off the train, but the doors will close behind her and you'll go to your friend's town by yourself. When you go back to your own town, Katie will not be there.
    it will be 1AM here when it will be 9PM where you live
    ( about 5 hours time difference )

    can we do this, this Friday ( 4/25 ) ?
    that i will come to your village to dive for a horseshoe crab ?
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