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  • I have no idea, I'm guessing you'll be able... That has always being a thing, right???

    I don't get it actually :S PM me
    rofl! I swear I almost **** my pants when I first saw all the notifications then I was like..could it be another spamfest..
    Meh I don't do it for the miles either, I just like to have foreign pokémon, the miles are just a by-product.

    In your case, maybe normal trading will work, so you'll be able to take him with you (if you have two systems to trade with yourself, otherwise a friend can help you? or you can always ask me).

    I got curious and actually did the math:

    X 2,640
    Y 0
    OR 68,084
    AS 1
    Bank 31,577
    GL 24,220
    Total 126,522

    Those were my miles. I just spend like 15k since there is a 50% off in the GL so I got a bunch of items.
    I guessed that :p
    Also I totally forgot what I said to you and all I saw was "you've been naughty" hahaha, thought you were saying it to me
    1) Just dump any trash pokémon into pokébank, fill it! The more pokémon the more miles you'll get.
    2) Wonder Trade like crazy, apparently the real life distance between the trades affects the miles you get, so I usually WT when Japanese people are awake; I guess for you it would be when Americans are trading.

    I don't remember where but I read that compatibility for SunMoon won't be at launch, I think it was like a couple months... Sucks but it also goo because then we won't be able to just "swap" living dex and get it fill in a few minutes... We'll have to do it the old way or wait till is out.
    What else are you going to use them for? I think I have around 100k miles between my games and I rarely use them (only to buy cheaper in-bulk repels in the GL).

    Ahhhhh? You guys got them early? I have to wait till november for all of them :(
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