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  • Yeah i just found out that no1 it was hacked and no2 hacked things aren't allowed in here!! WOOPS!

    Honestly had no clue until people started responding my messages - thanks so much for being one of the people letting me know!! xx best wishes
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    I reported it as well lol jokes on you xdxdxdxd
    Just a fruit basket with a little '0' next to it and you can infinitely select "grab 1"!

    I think it's a hacker thing? Someone gave it to me and now I've gone and lost it!!! woops!!!! Thanks for replying anyway x
    Hi I'm really sorry to bother you, but would you happen to have a spare an infinite fruit basket?! (for ACNL)

    I did have one but accidentally sold it and saved the game. :(((

    i'll try to catch you this saturday 22nd..let me know when is a good time for you so were not playing message you want to create the room or i believe i can do it too...just let me know so we're ready to go...

    around this time? i can get up earlier in the morning to catch you early in the afternoon your time (did that make sense lol...not very good at time difference calculations)
    hi....i guess i'm your next opponent in smash...i want to apologize to you, i'm a noob so it will prolly not going to be a challenging game for you but i know i'll have a great time...just let me know when your ready....thank you...
    Luna Moonbug - 6933-7432-1026
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