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  • Hello! Could you tell me how to change the parental control exactly? I tried it but it still says you cannot view information about this software
    haha all is well! i might afk a bit for work here in a little bit, but i'll surely return. :')
    thank you for the invite <3 gahhhh
    oh yeah! i use kkt a lot more than my line messager but i'm down!
    my id for line is uhm, tayeol. :)
    Yea, I've heard of Bayonnetta because I listen to the IGN Nintendo Podcast while I sleep haha. She was definately a surprising addition!
    I have!! I'm a little dissapointed because I wanted the Inklings, but the new characters are cool!! I don't know too much about them because I've never played Bayonetta or Fire Emblem, but they seem like worthy editions to the character roster!
    oh gosh i feel you, i got the cough, the raspy voice, and every time i swallow my throat burns with the passion of a thousand suns. i sound like i smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day for 10 years man. it's gross. and my body aches. i worry that ill end up with the flu and i'll cry myself to sleep for an entire week if that happens.

    nothing is worse than the flu imo.
    can't kill it with meds, just gotta ride it out and suffer the entire way.

    i hope you feel better soon :( no getting sick. being sick is terrible.
    yeah the presents are gonna be a pain, and im not willing to sell my spellectables for one bc idk whats inside them... you know? lmao. ugh. so annoying. ><

    yay finals and then winter break! woot!!

    gah today i feel so incredibly sick, but i can't get any of my co-workers to cover my shift so i'm gonna have to die at work instead and i'm not looking forward to it.

    my biggest struggle now with the event is the fact that i probably wont be able to catch an orange present restock ever bc i work so much, and nobody is trading them up :/ so i'm like... out of luck there and thats frustrating as hell haha.

    and aww, true that. the idea that people are behind the screens brings a smile to my face. <3 how are you doing today?
    I don't need funds at the moment, since I still have about 20 mill aside for my pwp project, but I'll let you know if I ever need any help! That's really sweet of you.
    ahh usually i spend it with my family but this year work wont let me off, so ill be working christmas eve this year and my family is going back to my home state. so im gonan spent christmas alone in my house for the first time ever. so i not too excited about the holidays at all. gonna go eat korean BBQ on christmas day and cry into my bulgogi. ahahah.

    aww, this is my first ever tbt event, it's a mad house so far.
    I noticed you're looking for a green present and i'm having a hard time finding an active person to trade with. are you interested?
    Yea, I've been busy with school too!! I can't wait until Christmas and Christmas Break haha. There's a lot of games I want to play for those 2 weeks. :3
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