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  • Jetix - Yesterday, 09:28 PM "Azabache" is the spanish name of Blaire... my town.NOW

    Yuppiddy yup yup
    okay cool marth was my third choice so i already have them done! let me get on my computer really quickly
    Yeah a few close family friends houses are gone, as well as two of my close coworkers, I think like 58 coworkers lost their homes? A really awesome hot springs resort burnt down along with the little town around it. Some of the main stores in town are damaged but still standing. But a lot of places are back open, like the main road into town you can't even tell a fire went through until you go down a side street... it's really bizarre. I still cry a lot, especially drivings around the houses. The one house right down the street from me was a beautiful yellow two story that a young family with a small child moved into, it's only rubble now and someone moved the toys that were charred and left in the yard off to the side of the property behind some bushes because it was heartbreaking to drive past the toys in the yard each day...
    Only a few, I think 4 comfirmed, there are still more "missing" people but after a fire its hard to find remains... but it's the 3rd most destructive as in houses being destroyed. 1,958 structures destroyed, 93 structures damaged.
    Well it's definitly something I'll never be able to forget, and since it's gone so public and on the news all over the world it will be something talked about forever, especially being the 3rd more devastating fire in California. But we're survivors and we'll rebuild and rise from the ashes!
    There are A LOT of burnt trees that they keep going out and chopping down because the integrity of them has been compromised, there are whole hills that are just black and everything burnt to a crisp on them. Strangely though near my house it isn't too bad, especially since a few houses on our street are gone, the fire jumped around like crazy, like the places that are burnt are spaced out and disconnected because the wind was so fierce that day that it was carrying embers to other places and lighting once they landed.
    Doing good! We're back in our home, which was thankfully unaffected, but we really didn't have any hope towards the beginning there. I am also back at work since my work is still standing as well, but there is a whole lot of devastation in our town here, it was the 3rd worst California fire in history I think? Like 2000 buildings lost or something.
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