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  • I wanna play but I've been awake since yesterday so lemme get my caffeine dose first lol..
    I'll text you on Line when I'm ready
    I don't really consider it a proper job. Very few people seem to need my services, so there's not a lot of work!

    The last big project I was asked to work on is on hiatus as well, so, nothing too great!
    I don't have too many at the moment, but I sent a bunch of friend requests out last night to people I played with on Splatoon 2!

    Speaking of Splatoon 2, what did you think of the Global Testfire? I had a really great time. The controls took a bit to get used to (the map and the jump button) but I had a great time! I haven't played Splatoon in a long time because I never owned it. I went to 2 of the sessions. What did you think?
    Hey how have you been? :) And yeah, you were my first friend on the Switch! I saw you in my suggested because you were my friend on Miitomo!
    I'm good, yeah! And it's totally fine. No rush. You just let me know the next time you're free.
    I finally got Bayonetta 2! It took me a while because nowhere had it in stock, and I didn't have enough room on my Wii U to get it digitally, but fortunately I found a copy, and I just finished playing through it! Absolutely love it!

    Any chance you'd be up for some Tag Climax?
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