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  • Didn't want to crowd your topic with my off-topic discussion, so sent this VM:

    If OK with you, wondering what reasons the moderators gave for not pinning the topic? Thought you meant they posted the reasons in that topic, but did not see a moderator post about it, and not sure the 'pinned' topics in TBT Marketplace mention it. Then again I am horrible at paying attention.
    Can you please help me make them more cheaper but keep them a litte high? I am really bad with pricing :(
    Hey am I offerings fair price on my point there

    Guys, 400 points is 5 USD , so 1 dollar is 80 points. Basically, you sold your red candy for 6.25 cents, for 5 points.
    I was going to, but I spent the bells because you weren't responding. I should have the bells by tonight~
    Lol i cry a lot over manga, my family thinks im crazy too. Lol
    I think its pretty good, but really, i watched the drama like 2 months ago and loved it, so i read the manga, i have yet to watch the anime though.
    You did aaaaahhaha yes i cried both times i read it lol.
    It tugs my feelings around B( Haha, it was so cute.
    Im glad you liked it!
    Idk if i suggested thsi but, you should read itazura na kiss! Its a old manga, but i love the drama so much, i think there is also an anime for it too!
    I've been at home all day with the flu. X_X Kind of annoying, since I had plans for my Friday night.

    Other than that though, I'm just browsing TBT and chatting in the IRC.
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