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  • Error..omg no..UGH! Sometimes I hate ACNL! I'll reopen my gates and we should probably save frequently...I'm so sorry ;_;
    Gates are open!! I edited my last vm but in case you missed it, my town is Kakariko & my mayor is Helena :) whenever you're ready!!
    Hii! I added you back ^.^ I put 8 items up in my retail for 999,999 bells. I'll open my gates and you can come over whenever you're ready! ETA: my town is called Kakariko & my mayor is Helena!
    Okay then it's settled ^-^ we ambush Jer when we next get the chance ~ likely on the 12th of never at never o'clock in the afternoon :p
    good c:
    Aha, I wasn't going to leave, just it's people like him who make me want to sometimes.
    Yes. Plus now my thread is closed. I got a few PM's from people who wanted to post so they just sent me their posts through that.
    Thanks c: Just ignoring him really, best way to go about things.
    When you add users to your ignore list, does it mean they can't VM you?
    Where did he say that? And either way, I've blocked him, reported one of their VM's as well as a post in my thread.

    I feel so bad because I didn't mean 'can you make it 24 hours a day' as in 'kill yourself now' I meant it more of like 'please sleep for longer so you won't bug us'. I'd apologise but then he started VMing me and reconsidered.
    Oh that's fine! c: I just can't believe I am stuck on egg 19, people are saying it's easy! D:
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