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  • Hey its understandable! I'm participating for sure, but man this fair is bad timing for me, August is the worst and all contests end on my 21th Birthday haha.

    Also the amount of work you have put into this event is, I am lost for words, seriously! Everything you have done is, well amazing! IDK how to put it into words!
    Oh my goodness! That is too adorable! I wonder how they managed to get that shot!? ❤️
    And, yes ... Eeps! There has been so much fair hype (I am sure it will be a huge success!!!) it's nice to have a distraction! Lol :rolleyes:

    This is one of my favourite pics of Lulu;

    I think I responded on the wrong thread... It must be all this fair excitement ... Lol ... Thanks for giving me the best laugh of my day! Hahaha ❤️❤️❤️
    Yes, Lulu is a tad bigger than that now and she would be most likely inclined to try and eat her way through the bun!
    Hope you've been well Laudine :'D I had to tell you, those banners are just stunning ill see if I have the energy to take part this year : ) looks like it'll be a blast! ^.^
    Laudine sayangku~ I looooove your signature and am thinking of commissioning the artist for a town art. THANK YOU SO MUCH for linking their tumblr -hugs- I am so excited!!
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