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  • just stopping by to say you're an AMAZING artist, that snowflake entry is stunning, and you're so humble too. I'd have to say that you're simply a winner of life
    oops- Jeremy closed the thread! I meant to also mention that they should judge the snowman contest before the snowflake challenge-- youd be sure to win a special award in that one too!! :p
    Are you still interested in the blue present auction. The top bidder retracted their offer and as you have the next highest offer it would goto you.... Let me know ;)
    Sorry for late reply! And it's confirmed hot AGAIN. It changes every two seconds XD. Also 20k is amazing! Imagine if it was a collectible I didn't care about, I'd mass sell :p Now how to get 20k....... XD
    Sorry I'm so excited, it always gets snatched from my cart lmao
    Anything christmassy pls
    Thank you for the pink gift, you're so sweet!! Would you like one in return? (I figure you've gotten plenty after all the gifting you've been doing, but thought I'd offer anyway :blush:)
    Yes agreed :D Cold then hot. (Last weekend) Thanks for the pressie, you're too kind! And how I wish I could get one or 450. Oh man. XD
    OMG! Your collectibles, your pokeballs.... Making me jealous ;-; And you live in Melbourne too! Wow! That's a mazing! Sorry for the random message, but I got excited XD
    merry christmas or something like that would be great!

    what did you want on yours?
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