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  • Thank you Laudine, you're so sweet :')
    I'm glad you liked the tasty cake. I know it's common but it's one of my favourite collectibles actually lol..
    And thanks so much for the pumpkin cupcake holy poop I was not expecting that,, //weeps
    It's my fav collectible tho seriously
    oooh nice Tetris collectible, congrats!
    (i hope Thunder didn't rlly require your left arm in sacrifice tho...)
    I can't believe I actually sat here and thought it was a real mirror character for a couple minutes

    Thanks Laudine :)
    I wish! Project staff names are the prettiest normally and I finally feel like a glowing goddess thanks to this fancy username. We all need a little more purple in our lives if you ask me... away with the flat red and blue that inhibits us from being the shining stars we were all born to be!
    Oh heck I forgot tbt showed you who's birthday it was... I'm dumb
    HBD though I hope you have/are having a wonderful day!!

    I hope senpai has the best day u wu
    (also autumn-themed to get you in the mood for hell o ween)
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