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  • That's awesome! Nice deals! I got 2 Mori houses, a ditto egg and a Leif collectable for a few small trades! Very good deals. I need a Brewster collectable though, that pigeon is legend.
    Not too bad myself! Got myself a new book and a cup of tea to relax with lol. Collectable market is exhausting as usual and I plan to focus more on animal crossing for a while. How is your collecting coming along these days?
    I've been pretty good & occupied! ;v;
    Ah, actually I was trying to talk to you but irl stuff kept me busy, so. First off, so very congratulations for winning the raffle! You must have quite strong luck. ;)
    And I was gonna talk about this, since you're relatively newer member, I thought you may not know how insanely coveted/crazy high values some feathers had a bit ago. So far as I know, there'd be very few chance that someone else has/can offer more than those two collectible kings had offered. I assume so because those who desired it and have that many feathers already have their own doll.
    I wish I had what you wanted, but I'm collectible poor as I give anything away so soon, aha aha...
    Probably got loads of these but if you ever consider trading your weird doll hmu ��

    Big congratulations though!
    hey, out of sheer curiosity, how many tickets did you put into the weird doll raffle?

    (congrats again, btw)
    Oh my gosh Lavamaize congrats on winning a weird doll! I'm so happy for you :D I did tell you patience and entering everything paid off and it has big time, if you ever want to trade lmk. I have a lot to offer
    The hot feather looks so good in your lineup! especially between the two blue flowers. The hot and cold vibe you have is incredible. I usually have sellers remorse (if that's a thing) when I sell things or give things away, but seeing how great it is with you, gets rid of all of that :) edit: Idea! if you got one more famous mushroom in the same time period as your others, you could add a red (or pink) flower, cold feather, then another red or pink flower for the ultimate setup
    Oh! also, I have no idea what this means, but: should I check the configuration box?
    Absolutely! if you want anything in particular let me know :) would "Burnin' up in the Wind" be ok? (If you ever want it changed I'm ok to doing trade back and forths in the future)
    Hiya! Cheers for the interest, but I'm no longer looking to sell my fresh feather! Sorry~
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