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  • Your lineup is gorgeous 😍 Congrats on your winning entry, very well deserved 💜
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    Reactions: Lavamaize
    Thank you so much! It was kinda of a last moment “a-ha” entry idea as I was finishing up my submissions, so I was pleased with how it turned out!
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    Reactions: Roxxy
    Hi 💜 hope you are doing ok. Really appreciated you being so kind and thoughtful when I was ill. Honestly meant so much 💜
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    Reactions: Lavamaize
    I am doing well! Thanks for checking in! I hope your feeling better and I’m really glad to hear that you appreciated it. I know Covid can suck and I just wanted to send some warm wishes your way! Besides, I’m always happy to talk! Btw, I love your pfp and have you been able to get any of the fair collectibles you wanted yet?
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    Reactions: Roxxy
    Thank you! It was drawn by the amazingly talented Jadetine 💜 I have been so lucky with the fair collectables! I absolutely adore the purple butterflies. Totally my dream collectable.

    What collectables are you aiming for?
    I’m probably going to get a Lily of the Valley and maybe a blue butterfly! All the collectibles this year are so amazing though!
    I never noticed how nicely the hot feather goes with the famous mushrooms! A nice lineup indeed, my friend!
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    Reactions: Lavamaize
    Same here, this is my spooky lineup, but it fit so it had to come out! I'm hoping to see a woodland egg and some glowy/shiny things. I should do a mockup of how I envision a woodland egg lol. Instead of a shine twinkle, it'd be a firefly 🤩 what about you?
    Oh man that egg idea sounds awesome! Crossing my fingers for something like that! 🤞 Maybe the animated collectible this year could be the firefly/firefly egg? Personally I’m just excited to see what they will come out with but hoping for a few feathers to be released/re-released! Also, I just noticed your wisp eggs and potions! That’s one killer lineup too!
    Ohh yeah, that's a great animated idea! And thank you! I love this lineup 🥰
    Hi! I know we don’t really talk on here but I appreciate you reaching out to me on Discord after the drama during TBTWC went down. Your message meant a lot. I was considering leaving the forum after all that, but I didn’t want to let that one experience dictate my future on this forum. I did leave the server, though, since it’s clearly not moderated. Thank you again.
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    Reactions: Lavamaize
    No problem! I’m glad you decided to stay. One of my biggest pet peeves and things that grind my gears is when people are rude, disrespectful, and hurtful to others that have differing opinions. While not everyone may agree on everything, the only way to come together and live in harmony is through kindness and such. No one should have to be berated for minor differences of opinion.
    Awesome bio! 👏
    Thank you! ❤️ It was actually created by the wonderful @MapleSilver in the thread, “How Do You Think The User Above You Got Their Username?” thread! I thought it was an awesome story and they were gracious enough to let me use it in my bio!
    Hey there! Just thought I'd explain in case you're confused-I am leaving tbt, life is a little busy (nothing dramatic)- figured it was time. Anyway, I know you love the feather collectibles so I hope you enjoy the Sweet feather. Have a truly wonderful day and thanks for being awesome.
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    Reactions: Lavamaize
    Awww… thank you so much! That was really sweet of you to think of me! I’m sad to see you leaving TBT, and I know I will miss seeing your around as well as many others as well. You’ve been such an awesome friend over the years, and I apologize for not staying in contact as much over the past year. If you want to stay in touch after you leave TBT, here’s my discord Lavamaize#2343 . I wish you the best and I will cherish the sweet feather so much!!! ❤️
    happy holidays!! i hope you had a marvellous day, and thank you so much for the christmas lights you sent me as well! ⛄💜
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    Reactions: Lavamaize
    No problem! Hope you had a great day as well too and Happy Holidays! 💜 🎄 Thank you for always being such a kind and uplifting person on TBT!
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    Reactions: Xara
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    Reactions: Lavamaize
    Thank you! 💙 I suppose this is a bit late, but happy be-lated cinnamon roll day to you! I'm envious it's not a widely celebrated holiday in the US!
    Aha, perfectly alright :D

    Can always go to IKEA or join a Swedish community, maybe? C:
    Happy Birthday Lava! 🥳🌟🎉 Hope you have a great day!
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    Reactions: Lavamaize
    Thank you so much! I also really enjoyed having you as a teammate throughout the group events on TBT and hope to have you as one again too! 💙 💜
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    Reactions: S.J.
    Happy Birthday fellow Bellflower and Poliwag teammate!
    • Love
    Reactions: Lavamaize
    Thank you! I really enjoyed having you as a teammate through both events, and I hope to have you as one again in the future as well! 💜 💙
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