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  • Hehe, I just recently started using foundation. Earlier, I've only used mascara.
    Practise makes perfect! :)
    Also, I'm coming now~
    Yes, I am! I need to dress and do my make-up first, but that only takes 10-15 minutes. I'll be ready then! :)
    Nah I feel bad, so I'll give you some. Just VM me when you're online and ready! :)
    Also I apologize for being here late (currently 7:21AM), but since I fell asleep at 2AM, I slept longer. :(
    Hey I managed to get Pietro from someone else. :(
    I can still give you bells though, firstly because of the trouble, and secondly because I don't need it. :)
    I'll be here 6-7AM as I said!
    I'm still here, just checked one last time before bed. Do you want to try one more time, and see if it works? Otherwise we'll take it when I wake up ^-^
    And yes sure, 3m sounds great. :)
    Sorry! It wasn't your connection, it was MINE!
    But hey, you're not online now. I really really want Pietro, but the time's almost 1AM where I live, and I have to go to bed since it's school tomorrow. Is it fine if you can wait 6 hours for me to wake up? I'm not sure what the time is for you now, but I usually wake up around 6AM. Do you think you could hold him until then?
    I can pay extra. :)
    Sure! I'll see if someone wants Punchy, but only for a little while, ok? :)
    Also, great! I'll be sure not to run over flowers. ^^
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