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  • Hello, I seen that you have Flora in your town that you're restarting. I'm very interested in her! Are you taking reservations or going by a first come first serve basis? If she ever considers moving out, I'd be happy to take her! :)

    I'll be sure to stalk your thread lol

    Thank you in advance. :)
    Hey, I saw your forum post about restarting your town and I was considering doing the exact same thing with my town.
    However I was just wondering what you will do about your items and bells? Are you just going to start from complete scratch?
    I found the table and the bed, is that alright?
    I have a feeling I probably have the TV too, so if you haven't found one by tomorrow I could order you one?
    And honestly that's more than enough like seriously omg ily ok.
    Tell me when you want me to open my gates yeah?
    Since your mailbox is full AHHHH I didn't know thats how that thingy works I didn't even know >.< its like that well I don't think I'll be able to let Rosie go then shes my favorite I didn't know what "Dreamies" mean but if anything is there any offer on Goldie Yet?
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