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  • hey! ive been looking around but i cant seem to find some of the wallpapers you used in the house you designed. do you still have them?
    I'll actually do your order tomorrow, since it's a bit late for me now. no need to send the PM, it'll be fixed by then ;)
    yeah it will, but I'm not sure when ^^' it'd be nice if you could PM it, that way I'll have it ready faster ;)
    hi! I just saw that you posted on my shop but the thread is glitched so I can't see it ;_; if it's an order, I'll work on it as soon as I can read it ^^'
    hey! well i definitely want a kitchen and a main sitting/living room. perhaps a bedroom + study in one room if you can manage, i leave the rest up to you!
    as for the colors, green and brown are my main ones, but the white and purple here and there sounds nice!
    i like books and house plants, too!
    i understand the struggle, my geometry teacher gives about 2 hours of homework each day ._.
    hey, since you showed some interest in my contest, i'm just letting you know i have increased the prize to give people more incentive to enter!
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