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  • Yeah I am still looking for it. I will be online in about 7 hrs time. I have six baskets now, do you have more to trade?
    Hey I got all my dreamies and moved them in, including Pompom!

    You can completely take me off your lurking list. Thanks :D
    Enjoy Cole! He's a fun villager, I hate to see him go, but his house is too close to where i need a bridge
    Okay, got him in boxes, so i'll open my main town momentarily, look for GMO Land, and then after that Vesper is the town with Cole
    Yay :) okay, give me a few mins, i need to tt day by day since i don't remember the exact day he was leaving. Also, would you mind visiting my main town first just to make sure your void is cleared?
    I have Cole moving out in a few days, he's a tier 4 not 5 but i feel like he will be hard to find a home for, and he's a lazy, so if you are interested let me know! I really don't want to void him, and if you want him today i can tt him into boxes (would actually prefer that)
    hi, thanks for answering! can i come over to your town then? c: i'll add u!
    Hey! I actually just started a legend of Zelda game. I'll be able to pick him up as soon as I get to a save point. c: thank you!
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