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  • Excuse me? I left without responding? I gave you my references, I gave you my tumblr account for you to go through and i'll give you maybe i sent the pm to wrong person but how can you sit there and accuse me of tracing? I answered every question you had? at what point did I "disappear" to arise such suspicion of me
    Hi, so I don't have any intention as coming off as rude, but why was my entry not counted in the contest? I was looking at the other pictures and saw you never put me down, even when i pm'ed you the re-colored version. I spent a lot of time on it and i'm a little hurt not to even be listed in the end. I don't even care if I win but to see that mine doesn't even count well it sucks.
    Coolio, probably just going to resell them or give 'em to newbies (sorry) I have no use for them.

    I like the red carnies for sure! That's about it lol, I think the newer members would appreciate those.
    I need a toy hammer for someone, but that's a long shot xD.

    Umm...really any low-mid range collectible, I like to give them away to newbies :blush:
    Lulu, i'm so sorry i haven't had chance to sit down and make a drawing for your awesome giveaway! it wouldn't have won, but i still wanted to make you one. (maybe i'll do one for you for fun down the road...) youve received some nice-looking entries though!
    Hi. Do you have any popsicles for sale? If you do, ill offer 1.1k since that's the price they are going for lately.
    Hi! I happen to saw you go online. Are you still interested in Raikou and Entei in PH? Let me know!
    Yes, I also have reloaded the site several times and tried to play with the link ... but just the comment solved the problem for me.
    I haven't saw your "<3" prior to that ^^

    I'm happy tho, that it worked, since I also often hang on my threads and would've understand the circumstances.
    Probably a good fairy watched our conversation and helped :'D

    Now I can sleep in peace - have a good day/night! ^^
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