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  • Aw, thank you! Your username is also really nice and you have such a cute avatar!
    Great! Just get back to me whenever you'd like. I'm free for like the next few weeks till i leave to japan :). I can do anytime too bc i've done my tasks.

    -Actually, if you have her today i could pop over within the next few hours!
    Just looked it up, apparently you cant get the rv villager if it's not in your town haha. Etoile is just unobtainable cause she's amiibo specific.
    Ahh! let's try on the weekend. I would love to get chrissy <3 Thank you for trying to work around it!
    Hi!! I'm ready now to pick up Chief. I just added your FC in the sidebar - I have mine in my sidebar. How many TBT would you like for him?
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