Oh noooo! That's terrible! I'm so sorry
Hopefully you can get him back eventually, it's a pain, but Beau is great too. I love him. Who did you get rid of to get Pietro? Bluebear?
I started university last week so I'm not playing much, just get on and talk to everyone to make sure no one moves out, but that's pretty much it. Fang has managed to get sick twice during this time, but luckily Fauna pinged to leave yesterday so I don't have to worry.
Today I was thinking about getting Lopez and Deirdre; Marshal and Flurry don't really go with the rest, they seem too goofy and cartoony to me, if that makes sense? They are adorable, but they are a bit too plain to me, I don't know. I have an overload of white villagers, but Lopez and Deirdre would balance things out.