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  • hi c: um, thank you in advance for giving me the 4 balloons i need for free! please do tell me if you are online and ready to trade.
    Sorry to be a huge pain but I was wondering if you maybe have any of these three:

    And please let me know if you need anything for them if you have them!

    Ankylosaurus torso
    Apato tail
    beautiful statue

    Any help is amazing and thank you!
    Hey there! I was wondering if you happened to have any extra of the Gracie stuff or anything else to giveaway? Or did I miss everything?
    Hi there! Sorry to be a bother, but the thread notes that you've opened the gates for me, and yet the town is full. IS THERE AN IMPOSTER IN YOUR MIDST?! //dramatic lightning
    I will await the next round, if you don't mind. >.> -Mayor Renn
    Haha stupid question, does time traveling affect whether or not you get Henry? I'll wait if so, I'm not sure
    Haha stupid question, does time traveling affect whether or not you get Henry? I'll wait if so, I'm not sure
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