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  • Since you were the only one to request him off AV, I thought I'd let you know.. Sheldon's about to go up on my cycling thread :)
    Heya :)
    That's fine for the trade, however I can't connect until 11pm gmt+1 (in 27 minutes) because of my internet being limited and if possible could we trade in my town?
    Looks like your PM inbox is full! :) Would you like to trade sometime today?
    Am headed to your NA town, hope this is ok. You can kick me out if you want too..lol
    Hi John, How are you? Will you be on this weekend, as I would love to visit your town. Hope we can catch up. Also hope you don't mind I friended you on TBT.
    take care,
    Your inbox is full, but my gates are open.

    I apologize in advance about the mess in my town. -_-
    Are you coming back in game? I need to run some errands but don't want to miss you again. Just VM or PM to let me know when you will be on. take care^_^
    Hey there! Posting a VM since your inbox is full.

    One of my friends gave me an extra Keaton's pic. Are you interested?
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