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  • I’ve seen your art in some sigs and it’s lovely, it feels soft but it still has nice anatomy and your shapes are so cute :)
    That was a perfect spore pun! 😊 So excited for TBT Fair and the enchanted forest theme Panda! 🥳💖🍄🌷🌿🌸
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    Hahaha! 🥰💞🍄 some new mushroom collectibles or just forest-themed in general would be amazing!! So many possibilities! It's exciting to think about what sort of activities we have to do!

    I really hope you enjoy your first TBT Fair! 🥰 It's definitely the biggest, most hype event of them all besides the Easter Egg Hunt!
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    Reactions: S.J.
    Haruko is so beautiful; I love her! She is amazing, just like you! ☺️💖🥰🌟
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    Aww that's really nice of you to say, thank you!! ☺️💞💖🌷🌸 if you decide to enter the event, I'm sure you'll come up with an even more beautiful villager! 💖💖💖 you're an incredible person ☺️⭐
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    Reactions: S.J.
    THAT BUNNY IN YOUR YARD IS LIVING HIS BEST LIFE! ITS SO ADORABLE!!!!! If you did not know Bunny's are my favorite animals in the world since I was 2...... Sorry Keroppi lol 🐰🐸
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    I love bun buns too!! They're just so precious and we must protect them at all costs! 🐇🌷🌱💞 I had to be vewy, vewy quiet to take a picture of this wabbit lol
    Hi Panda! I hope things are going better for you now 💜


    Spanky & Jewels say hi ☺️💜. Spanky forgot to flip her ear back 😅 here.

    If you ever need to vent or anything at all, please don’t hesitate at all to message me 🙂💜.
    Hi again Panda! I saw your post in the bothering thread, and I wanted to make you something! Work is stressful, I used to have a part time job at dunkin donuts in september and I quit after a while due to the stress. Some people just like to be impatient I guess 🙄:

    Anyways hoppy made you a Panda egg and a real Panda has some advice: Hang in there! Hope you're OK now, and if you need to talk, my pms are always open!
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    This lovely drawing brought a much needed smile to me, thanks so much koopa! 🥰🐼💞 It's so nice of you to want to cheer me up. I'll be fine, for sure. I spent the day listening to music and writing, that always makes me feel better after a bad day <3
    King koopa
    King koopa
    No problem! I did the same thing lol
    Hi Panda! I saw your post in the bothering thread and just wanted to send you some hugs and a cute kitty picture. 🫂💜 Hang in there 🍀💜. I’m here for you if you need anything :).

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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    omg yes this is just what I needed to see! 💖💞💖💞💖💞💖 a sleeping kitty and toe beans! 🐈🐾💞 I wish I could curl up like that right now and just SLEEP 😭

    Thank you for sharing and for caring ☺️💞 work has really been stressing me out lately. I need a long break 😢
    I just saw your post too 😢 I'm really sorry you have to go through that. I hope your day gets better, hang in there as well ☺️💞
    Thanks so much, Panda 💜; I appreciate it and you so much ☺️💜.

    I hope you can take a break soon or something and get a lot of time to relax. 🍀💜🫂
    Hello Panda, I was wondering about something
    I have some framed villager photos I've been trying to sell for a few months for 20 TBT each and I've been trying to get rid of them
    I saw you also sell villager photos but for 25 TBT each, I was wondering if I could sell you any of my photos for 20 TBT so you could add to your shop and sell them at your store for a profit of 25 TBT. I currently own 3 different photos you don't have yet and I would even consider selling my photos to you for 15 TBT. I was just wondering if maybe you'd be interested in taking them off my hands.
    Thank you for considering :blush:
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    Hi there!

    To be honest, I don't want to add anymore framed photos to my shop as I've actually been trying to unload them all for the past 2 years 😂 I still got a long ways to go. But I would still like to help you out :) I'll take NMTs or basic mats if you got it.
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    Reactions: -Mars-
    Oh yeah framed photos seem to be really hard to get rid of 😂

    I'm confused are you asking if you'd like me to sell you NMTs/ basic materials?
    If so I have 16 stacks of Iron nuggets, 24 stacks of bamboo however many stacks of weeds you want.
    And I can get you a maximum of 14 stacks of NMTs. if you were asking if you wanted to buy any of that stuff from me. :)
    I'll take the iron nuggets off your hands, and the NMT stacks too~ you can send me a new PM whenever you'd like to trade, and how much TBT everything will cost :) I don't mind at all if it'll help you out.
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    Hi, Panda! It's been awhile since we talked one on one. How have you been? :D
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    All I can say is........ Top percentage Rattata move over! 😂🤣
    Aren't animals and pets just wonderful? 🥰 they really bring a whole different and amazing kind of happiness we all need <3

    I'm very happy for you in all your recent accomplishments ☺️ I've been keeping up with your progress via your posts and it's nice to see that, even though life can be difficult to manage, we can still find something to work hard at and be proud of ^^ we all have to try to hang on the things that are most precious to us and continue working toward that future, even if things don't always play out like we want. We have to keep going 💪🏾
    Thank you! You're so right! 🥺💚
    Well, I guess you weren't the only one to get a feather this week lol, I just got a hot feather!
    Also I hope you're able to get more black and white feathers! I also finished the new chapter of kourage, and I love how it turned out!
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    King koopa
    King koopa
    Thanks! I honestly don't know how I came up with the regals as a hybrid idea, but I'm glad I did! Also looking forward to reading about Lil' ears childhood, I'm also planning to do the same thing with miko, poor Nava and Satya went on a wild ride with them lol
    That's part of the fun about writing/drawing: ideas just come to you even if it seems random ^^ that's what being creative is all about. I look forward to reading all about it! Sometimes I wish I could live with red pandas lol I had an idea long ago about an OC red panda named Adzuki and his best pal, a Fennec fox named Persimmon. They're based on my irl plushies ☺️💞 you should remember to keep all your written work/art in a saved portfolio or document file to keep track of. I have a USB drive with all my stories <3 but keeping everything saved onto your desktop works too!
    King koopa
    King koopa
    That's a good idea! Usually I just put my stories in one of my journals, but I'll try saving them too!
    Ooooh, Panda! Look at that monochrome lineup! Those feathers frame your trophy so nicely! 🎉 :love:
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    Yes they really do, I'm happy you think so too!! I typically like to stick with bright, colorful and of course pink and garden-y lineups lol but this actually gives my Silver Trophy a chance to finally have time in the spotlight 🥰 I never knew what to do with it until now. Plus the feathers remind me of Toothless and his partner the Light Fury, I love it so much! 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤
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    Reactions: S.J.
    ahh panda!!! thank you so much luv, i missed you very much! how have you been?? hope all has been well with you 🥰💕💗
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    Reactions: LittleMissPanda
    Missed you too! 💖💖💖 I've been doing well enough ^^ some good days, some stressful days at the job lol but I can always find peaceful escape here in the forum~ it's so wonderful to hear from you again 🥰💞
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    Reactions: Kirbyz
    i love how these forums do so much good for us, and totally get what you mean about it being a nice escape. i always feel joyous and at ease when im on here. im overjoyed to be back, and even more so to see everyone again! its been so hard being gone from this upbeat and cheerful community, and all my lovely friends such as you and so many others ive been lucky to meet through here. so grateful for all of you guys and i missed talking with you, so ecstatic to be chatting up with everyone again!! 😊😍💞
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