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  • huh? f my friend? not sure what you mean about that haha

    no usually the trend at my school is oversized sweatshirts/hoodies so there we go
    i just took a shower not too long ago. OH yeah i found a cute sweatshirt that my mom had, and it fits me!! i wonder if i should take it to school
    ughh i hate when it doesn't work.. i have long bangs and i try to curl them but it doesn't work and im like wtf?? then i just braid it until the next day then it curls.
    im playing flute right now, it's pretty easy! there's lots of keys but it's nothing once u get used to it :)
    WOW! i can't even hold one of those for 5 minutes, that's impressive!!

    cool! i might quit band next year tho.. i want to do home ec :cool:
    oh.. i hope she's doing okay !!

    and UGH my crush still has his mohawk. BUT my friend told me to dress nice tomorrow because she's going to introduce me to him!!!
    but my friends who aren't the oldest tell me "omg i wish i was the oldest" but really you don't lmao

    almost all of my friends are the youngest/middle and im like "im the oldest lol"
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