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  • oh no sockhead is looking at your pains thread xD
    prepare for an odd response
    dang it i wish I was online when this happened
    I had to play Pokemon with my brother
    Oh, okay. I gotta go to bed now, I'm tired.. (I'll just watch YouTube till I fall asleep)
    Good night Aithy!! Good luck with the shop. :D
    It's 10:55 PM for me. HHD collectibles aren't giftable :/ yet
    What time zone are you in?
    Ah! Okay. Maybe start the shop tomorrow after you get out of school! Since I'm gotta go to bed. I'm going to be embarrassed tomorrow because I forgot to shower :(
    Those could get you some TBT. Cherry is worth 450 btb. So, you're going to sell your collectibles and give the TBT to me or ...?
    I forgot to take a shower now I have to go to bed :(
    My hair will get greasy ://
    Yeah let's open a shop! But I only have my sapphire and HHD collectible, and I don't wanna sell my sapphire. What collectibles do you have?
    I should've gave you mine. I sold mine. But if I didn't sell mine, I wouldn't have 2k TBT.
    I don't know really.. I just like being TBT rich LOL

    Probably to buy a swirl and make Team Swirl c: I'll save up a lot though so I can buy one for you too :)
    Dang. I'll ask my dad to use his laptop for "school"
    :rolleyes: I have 2k TBT now!! Yay
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