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  • Alright, no problem, I'll start ordering stuff. Will probably be about 30 minutes

    I don't have the kitchen island, that's not orderable, but I can get everything else
    I am really serious about specifics when I say specifics. My catalog has over 2400 items in it, it's hell to have to go through it without a list. If you give me specifics rather than saying these general items (there are many different showers, sinks, toilets, floors, and tubs!) and "anything else", then I can help you, but otherwise I'm not gonna figure that out myself because ordering over 10 to 20 items takes a lot of time.

    If you can't give me an actual furniture list then our trade is only going to be of the two furniture sets (kiddie and regal) and nothing else, okay? I can do this trade tomorrow. (it is 11:30PM right now for reference)

    Try using moridb.com to make a catalog of things you're looking for, I'm sure it will help other people help you too!
    There's a LOT of bathroom and kitchen items, I really do need specifics because I have a very large catalog to dig through. Once you tell me that I can get everything ordered though!
    Oh, nvm that. I realised it's like past midnight where I live so I have to go to bed now >.<
    Well, like I just said, I'm out of town for a few days with my family so I'm not really playing my game much. Also I won't be doing any kind of ordering until after the fair is over. That's pretty much the only AC stuff I'm doing at the moment.
    Merry Christmas! I gave up on your sets like a month and a half ago. I'm currently out of town. Sorry.
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