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  • yay!

    Btw, you never said 'hi' to me in chat today? It's okay now since mostly everyone went to bed~
    I don't mind at all, however, I already posted something (with no reply! :O), so could you possibly post something about spotting the ghoul first before I take action? :3
    That is your choice!

    I could always make an investigator although you may have to wait a while for that bc im in the middle of making an art thread :3
    Aw no! I'm making you nervous, i'm sorry! (I'm going to be super approachable/ un-intimidating as possible tomorrow then! <3)
    UMMM, I'LL TAKE IT THE NORMAL WAY. Heeeeh because of your sweet personality, right?! Yes! That's what it is!!! *pulls on collar*
    U.U *shaking*

    I do <3 SO MANY PEOPLE, AND I ALWAYS SEE IT. That's why I'm always hesitant to go in the basement sometimes *cries* :'\
    Hm... It doesn't really make sense to me, but I'm still amazed by it! Hehe I wish I could see the world through your eyes for a day! (that sounded so creepy. oh my god. I'm sorry.)

    Ah.. well she does that sometimes to check up on me if I'm doing okay or not. My mood can sometimes tend to be a little um.. and well I can be a little um y'know. (you know why) So she's doing it out of my safety, BUT I DO NOT APPRECIATE HER INSULTING MY RELATIONSHIP </3 HEARTBREAK. tee hee I love your forum posts that you think I won't see. (;
    Hm... thanks! ^w^

    Ohhh, that silly thing. Hehe.

    Up to you, you can just post it, sing it, animate it, make it into a video, etc. Your choice~ ;)
    omg I just realized in my bell tree bio that I put I was a high school student.. I wish.. I totally wish.
    college is a pain
    Oof I bet a lot of people read that too. You're so funny omg xD I'm curious though, how exactly do I know how sickly sweet you are? I'm probably taking that the way I shouldn't, oh lord. (your little hidden messages are so adorable, I wish I could hug you but *hugs*)

    Please never stop, promise? :\
    It seems so cool though, it's like your in a 60s film all the time w/ the black and white! So whaaaaa- OMG. My friend just asked me ..
    "So who's this bae of yours, and why do you send each other these weird love letters" AGH. IM YELLING JUST AS I TYPE. Shhhhh psht she's just mad because I have a gorgeous wife (and why was she reading my vms with you omg. I left my laptop open)
    I'm thoroughly explaining things to her xD

    Well... *blushes* looks like we're both embarrassed now. xc
    hehe ;*
    Ooh? Am I too smexy for you, my dear? c;
    don't be nervous for the date, you'll be perfect! xoxo
    Oooooh you know I love your pick-up lines, and your cheesy jokes c;
    EXACTLY YES. I'LL PICK YOU UP AT 5 PM SHARP? (lol or whenever you're on)

    Stttoooop flattering me, my face is red. (except.. well.. it's not, but I feel it!)
    OH MY LORD REALLY? Although I'm not suprised at all, I knew you were super rare from the first word you've ever said to me <3 but now I'm going to be extra protective to make sure you're mine. >.<

    You really are one of a kind my gosh *.*
    Hm... okay!

    (Oh, um, what do I do? >.< )

    My homework is due on Friday but it's a lot so I need to do some today too~ kk
    I really don't know how you can help. >w<

    I want to but... eh... I don't know... homework's distracting me.
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