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  • YES!

    Oooh, okay. That's good~

    I know. I went to go read and like... I can't see it?

    Yeah, he will be~ It'll be amazing but like also very scary. Jasper is a very dark dark person and anyone near him will probably end up dead. Most likely.
    Yay! Puppy is perfect for you!

    Oooh, okay! You want Jasper to get really mad, now, don't you? X'D
    I hope she will! <3
    Pick Puppy Farm. That's perfect. ^-^

    Oooh, okay~
    Hehe, he'll be sooo mad! Omfg.
    So excited! I hope so too!
    Oooh, okay! Have fun!~ ^-^

    Okay. Okay. You were naming it Puppy or Ghoul?

    Oooh, okay! Wait. Everyone everyone? :eek:
    Hm... I think we can.
    I guess you can. Hehe~

    Oooh, do it! DO IT! DO IT!

    Ooooh, hehe. I love it. It must happen now. <3
    *squeals* You don't have to. >////<


    Oh, okay.
    Ooooh, yes, do that! Omfg. Bonding time over torturing. It's so sick that I love it. <3

    Oh, yeah, he can totally do that then!
    Hehe, it's May 11~

    Oooh, scary, eh? Try to scare me then. :D

    Hm... okay. Oooh, yes! Should I make Jasper take a long time to come? He's kind of running right now so he should arrive in a post or two.
    Oh, yeah, that's fast... eep.
    Hm... idk if I want Evan taken. Might be nice for him to stay with the main group since he likes working together and stuff but Jasper kind of hates him for asking so many questions about him to Z. Yeah, we definitely need to restrain Teela and Z soon.

    Hm... maybe... I'll see. My birthday is coming up so I could request for that? idk.

    *grins even wider*

    Oooh, that fast? :eek:
    Yeah, he kind of needs to take them. Oh, fun! Where is Charles right now? Hehe, poor Evan.

    I love those little quote things. X'D
    Oooh, I see.

    YES! It was amazing!

    Thanks! >w< He's very angry. hehe. Oooh, if they're already gone. He might plan some traps around the mansion for them. Or maybe take a hostage of his own. *cough* Evan maybe *cough*
    Jasper's getting stressed out.

    Btw, new profile picture because I got sick of the old one.
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